Nosovskij G.V.
English translations of originally
Russian papers are not included
1. A.T.Fomenko, V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V. Nosovsky. When was Ptolemy's
Star Catalogue in "Almagest" Compiled in Reality? Statistical
Analysis. /Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 17 : 203-229, 1989.
2. A.T.Fomenko, V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V. Nosovsky. The Dating of
Ptolemy's "Almagest" Based on the Coverings of the Stars
and on Lunar Eclipses./ Acta Applicandae Mathematicae,
29 : 281-298, 1992.
3. G.V. Nosovskij. Nonlinear Potentials for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
Equations./ Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 30 : 101-123, 1993.
4. A.T.Fomenko, V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V. Nosovsky. Geometrical and
Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations. Dating
Ptolemy's Almagest. CRC-Press, 1993, 300pp.
5. G.V. Nosovskij. Nonlinear Potentials Construction for Degenerate
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations in R^d./ á¡®à-¨ª¥:"Statistics
and Control of Random Processes". Vol. 5. Ed. Novikov A.A., Moscow,
TVP Publishing House, 1994.
6. T.L.Kunii, G.V.Nosovskij, T.Hayashi. A Diffusion Model
for Computer Animation of Diffuse Ink Painting./ Proc.
Computer Animation'95, April 19-21, 1995, Geneva,
Switzerland. IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Los Alamitos,
Calofornia, 1995, pp. 98-102.
7. G.V. Nosovskij. Nonlinear Potentials for
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations.II / Acta Applicandae
Mathematicae, vol.46, No.1, 1997, pp.29-48.
8. Nosovskij G.V. Method of construction of regular cost function
in optimal control problem for a diffusion process.- XIX
Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, 6-12
September 1998, Vologda, Russia. Abstracts. Vologda,
Vologda State Pedagogical Univ., 1998, p.46.